Love, Joy, Peace...
Power Prayer
There is Power in our Prayer. Come join us at the Church for our Corporate Prayer changes our Community, our Region, and beyond! Mondays @6:45p | Main Church Campus
Ladies Prayer
Our Ladies Prayer group get together once a week! Tuesdays @6a | Main Church Campus
Holy Moley God is Good
God is so Good to us and we can’t keep it in! Come join us as we learn more about Him and find more reasons to want to SHOUT IT OUT! Tuesdays @7p | Sis Burnell's Home
Hyphen Deep
Come join us as we Disciple the next generation, Experience more of Jesus, Encourage through the tough times, and Progress into who God Called us to be! Tuesdays @6:30 | Bishop Bagwill’s Home
Men's Prayer
Bright and early before work, come join our Men's Prayer!
Bible Night U-West
The early church was known to gather in the homes of others, to learn and grow together. We do the same now! Bible Night is about sharing the Gospel with others and growing together in Unity and Fellowship! It's always a great time hearing different perspectives and encouraging each other to take the next step in our relationships with God. Wednesdays @7p | The Iott’s Home
On the Same Page
The early Church met in the homes of others. We believe that doing this encourages Unity and Fellowship with each other. Some are Bible Study Based, and others, like this one, are more of a "Book Club" feeling to them. Each week everyone reads the chapters/sections that the current book follows, and then we chat! Want to attend, but don't want to just jump in since you don't have the book? Don't worry, we will absolutely get you up to speed and make sure that you're just as included as you would be if you started from the beginning! This is a great time for the North Pole area! Wednesdays @7p | The Cruzen’s Home
Fort Wainwright Life
Bible Night Fort Wainwright is aimed to our Military Personnel! It meets in the home of a family that has been through the same ups and downs that can come with Serving. Wednesdays @7p | The Lenhart’s Home
Kid’s Connect
L . E . G . O. (Lead, Encourage, Grow, Overcome) Wednesdays @11:30a | Location Varies
Open Deep
Come join us as we dig deeper into the Word and what God has for us! Wednesday @6:30 | Bishop Bagwill’s Home
Overflow Student Ministries
Overflow Student Ministries is the Youth Life Group of our Family! They meet twice a week! On Wednesday Nights @5p (Bible Based) and Fridays @7 (Fellowship)
Perfect Piece
Eat good food, listen to Godly music, communicate and all while putting together a puzzle. So multitasking! Third Saturday of the Month @3p | Main Church Campus
Stressed, Blessed, and Coffee Obsessed
A coffee lovers group for ladies to connect, find encouragement, and unplug from the busyness of life. *No Childcare is provided. Bring a couple bucks for a coffee!** Every Other Sunday @4p | Alaska Coffee Roasting Company
SonShine Girls!
For our younger ladies, ages 6-9 get together and crafting and learning about Jesus in a fun and impactful way! The last Tuesday of the month @6:30p. The Location Varies.
Today's Christian Girls
We believe it's important for our Young Ladies ages 10-18 to have other friends and experiences learning what it means to be a Christian Lady! They meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 2p-4p.
French Life Group
Louez le Seigneur! Come join our Life Group with a focus on our French Speaking Family! Fridays @7:30p with the Iotts.
Apostolics of Fairbanks

2204 Discovery Dr Fairbanks, AK 99709

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